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    Diamonds are formed with carbon and few other elements(nitrogen, boron, etc) along with some air, dust, packed inside it. These packed particles are called inclusions. They define the clarity (grade) of the diamond. In simple words, diamonds clarity grade depends on inclusion location, number of inclusions, inclusion color, inclusion shape and reflection. All these factors are considered under 10X magnification and a final grade is decided by the quality checker from the top view. Grades are as below:
  • IF- Internally flawless
  • VVS1- Very very small included 1
  • VVS2- Very very small included 2
  • VS1- Very small included 1
  • VS2- Very small included 2
  • SI1- Small included 1
  • SI2- Small included 2
  • I1- Included 1
  • I2- Included 2
  • I3- Included 3

    Was it difficult to find the difference between IF, VVS1 and VVS2 clarities? This is how difficult it is to grade the diamonds in these higher grades. So quality checkers will use higher magnification upto 20X or more to find the inclusions if they don't see anything and then check under 10X magnification and confirm the clarity grade.

    IF clarity is the best grade and I3 clarity is the worst grade. This tells us that IF clarity have no inclusions and they are clean whereas I3 have heavy inclusions filled in the diamond. As a consumer, you will definitely love to have the best clarity because they are clean and will help more light pass through so that the diamond can sparkle. IF clarities are expensive and I3 clarities are cheap.


      1. Location: Inclusions located in different positions will impact the clarity of the diamond. Inclusions in middle of the diamond and in the corner (towards girdle corner) will have different impacts.Inclusions in corner is better than having them in middle or table or culet

      2. Count(Number): Diamond grade will be lower if the number of inclusions increase. This will make a huge impact of clarity grade

      3. Color: Colorless or transparent inclusions are better than colorful inclusions. Colorful inclusions can be seen easy from naked eye. This will make the diamond look ugly

      4. Shape: Short and thin inclusions are better than thick and long. Thick and long inclusions will lower the clarity grade of the diamond

      5. Reflection: Reflection is nothing but mirror. Inclusions also reflect in diamond because of different facets in different angles. If the inclusions are located in the critical points of diamond then the reflection will be higher. Example: Inclusion located in culet(most critical point) will reflect atleast 57 times in round shape diamond which is no more 1 inclusion but counted as 57 inclusions but inclusion whereas inclusion located in girdle corner will have least impact on the clarity grade because they do not reflect


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