Diamonds are formed in almost any color. Name it- diamond will have it. They are graded from D-Z alphabet colors where D is the whitest(colorless) and Z is colorful. Diamond price is high if the color is close to D color.
Fancy colors:
Anything other than white is a fancy color and graded after Z. Example: Fancy very light, fancy light, fancy color, intense, vivid, dark. These fancy colors are graded any diamond color except white(D-Z) and brown. Lets say we want to grade fancy yellow colors then they are graded as:
- Fancy very light yellow
- Fancy light yellow
- Fancy yellow
- Fancy intense yellow
- Fancy vivid yellow
- Fancy dark yellow
Pink, red, green, etc are graded similarly. These fancy graded stones will have special prices from the retailer especially when they are not manufactured as round shape.
How does diamond get color?
When diamond carbon elements are replaced by other elements then the color of diamond start changing. Few of them are:
- Yellow: Most common color in diamond is yellow. When carbon atoms are replaced by nitrogen they start gaining yellow color
- Green: Carbon atoms are replaced by Sulphur
- Blue: Carbon atoms are replaced by Boron
- Black: Carbon atoms are replaced by Graphite and iron
- Brown: Carbon atoms are replaced by nickel or if these is distortion in lattice structure
- Pink: Its a mystery. Scientists today are searching for the reason. As of the information that we know today is that the diamonds lattice structure was distorted at the time of formation due to high pressure and heat. Argyle mine is very famous for pink diamonds and very expensive too
- Red: Similar to pink, red diamonds also have only carbon elements and have distorted lattice structure. These diamonds are bright than any other diamond under natural daylight and rarest of all
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