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Tension or Stress

Diamonds are formed naturally with internal pressure called tension. They can be located in any part of the diamond which is vulnerable to damage at the time of manufacturing. It is a usual practice to check the tension in the diamonds before buying them as they are risky to polish and can lead to damage even after you take necessary preventive measures. These diamonds can break the fortune of a diamond manufacturing factory. When a box of diamonds are bought they usually contain different varieties of tension in every stone.

    Tensions are identified as rainbow colors in the diamond and among them red or purple colors are most dangerous. You might see diamonds with black and grey colors instead of rainbow colors which might confuse you; don't worry. They are just shades formed naturally which is not tension. If the tension is not visible then perform windows on the diamond to make the surface transparent.

    The device that is used to find tension is called Polariscope or tension machine or tension meter. There are many models of tension machines available in the market today which can fit your requirement. They are simple to use and easy to find tension. It is not possible to find the tension in the diamond with the naked eye.

Tension can be located in diamonds as follows:

  • Local tension
  • Distributed tension

  • Local tension
    Pressure located only in one location of diamond is called Local tension. These diamonds have a greater scope of being prevented from damage while manufacturing compared to distributed tension. Using the polariscope or tension meter, you can find the location of tension and ensure you plan the polished diamond inside the rough stone. A moderate level planner can plan it easily
  • Distributed tension

    Pressure spread inside the diamond in multiple locations is called Distributed tension. Thee diamonds have very low scope of being prevented from damage while manufacturing. Using polariscope or tension meter, you can find locations of tension and ensure you plan the polished diamond inside the rough stone. A professional level planner is required to plan these diamonds. They are not easy to be planned especially when they are medium and high tension. Sometimes we need to take chances in manufacturing.

    We have different intensities of tension in local and distributed tension:

  • None tension
  • Low tension
  • Medium tension
  • High tension
  • Very high  tension

    Few factories name them as Zero, medium and strong (or) 0,1, 2, 3 (or) None, average, bomb. As of today, there is no standard adopted by any laboratory for tensions.

  • None tension
    Tension meter shows no traces of any rainbow color inside the diamond. Most of the diamonds that fall under this category are Dodecohedron and Octohedron.
  • Low tension
    Tension meter shows minute or less traces of rainbow color inside the diamond. These colors will not multiple rather will be 2 or 3 colors. Difficult to find using 10X loupe. Most of the diamonds that fall under this category are Dodecohedron and Octohedron.
  • Medium tension
    Tension meter shows traces of rainbow color inside the diamond. They are spread upto 35% of the diamond. Easy to find using 10X loupe. Most of the diamonds that fall under this category are Dodecohedron , Octohedron, Chips and few macles.

Medium tension
  • High tension
    Tension meter easily shows traces of rainbow color inside the diamond. They are spread upto 60% of the diamond. Very easy to find using 10X loupe. Almost all diamonds can fall under this category. Dodecohedron are very rare in this category.
  • Very high tension

    Tension meter easily shows traces of rainbow color inside the diamond. They are spread upto 85-100% of the diamond. Very easy to find using 10X loupe

. Immediately you put the diamond in the tension meter, you will end up saying "Oh my God!"
    Almost all models can fall under this category. Dodecohedron are very rare in this category whereas macles are most common.

Very high tension

Above picture is a zoom in image of tension

TIP: Nails always have very high tension. If you are confused that the diamond is risky or not then compare with your nail in the tension meter. If you see that both tensions are same then confirm that the stone is vulnerable to damage


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