Grains play a vital role in manufacturing diamond in terms production and quality. If the diamonds are not polished in proper direction will impact the time taken to polish it and might lead to damage of diamond none tension What are grains and its basic knowledge: Grains are arrangement of fibers in a material. Diamonds have grains like any other material. If you can crack open the knowledge of grains in diamond then you can be highly skilled polisher or planner. Before we understand grains in diamond lets understand grains in wood. Wood can be cut from any direction where few directions are easy and others are difficult(rarely impossible). It is very easy to cut the wood along the grains and very difficult cutting across grains. So when you are cutting wood using hand saw blade, you will first find the grains and then cut it along. Similarly, we need to know the grains before cutting or polishing the diamond. Below is a 3D image of diamond ...
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