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Tools and equipment

Crafting of diamond need tools and equipment to polish a rough diamond to a jewelry diamond starting from import into factory to export. Technology has grown enormously in 21st century where you put a sawn (cut) diamond in a machine and get jewelry diamond in few hours. Lets start from the history.


    Diamonds were used to cut diamond rubbing against each other. In 15th century, tools were invented and among them Scaif is the best invention by Lodewyk Van Berken. Scaif is a polishing wheel infused with a mixture of olive oil and diamond dust. Diamonds are put in contact to scaif which rotates at 3000rpm. This helps polishing the diamond. The time taken to polish has drastically reduced at higher quality. Polishing tangs have been introduced to hold diamond when you put the diamond in contact to scaif.


      1. Galaxy machine:

    Product of Sarin that makes the diamond surface transparent and clearly view the inclusions. It also auto plot the inclusions and saving a lot of time for the planner to plot them manually.

      2. Planning machine:

    Product of Sarin called Diaexpert eye that map the shape of rough diamond and generate a 3D model in which a planner can plan the best valuable polished diamond from the rough diamond. Today every manufacturing factory have these machines and planning is difficult without this planning machine.

      3. Laser machine:

    Product of Sarin called Quazer that cuts the diamond into 2 desired pieces using laser beam. Very advanced machine in which the user need to just fix the diamond inside the machine and locate where and how they want to cut and wait for the diamond to become 2 pieces.

      4. Polish mill:

    Mill on which scaif and its parts are fixed and a polisher polish the diamond to acquire the expected outcome. They should have 0 o negligible vibration to ensue the diamond is safe to polish on the scaif.

      5. Tang:

    Equipment used to hold the diamond with or without a pot is called Tang. They are hand held and its motion is under our control. Below is a product of gorantools that produce finest and most advanced design of diamond tools.

      6. Scaif:

    Scaif is a polishing wheel infused with a mixture of olive oil and diamond dust. This tool brought  revolutionary change in diamond manufacturing. They are circular in shape.

      7. EOS bruting machine:

    Product of HRD that forms diameter of any shape upto 0.01mm deviation. This roundness helps the diamond to be manufactured symmetrically and to be fixed firmly in the further stages. Most perfect fancy shape bruting till date.

      8. Dialit machine:

    Automatic machines that block the diamonds to a certain angle on the selected or all facets and completes polishing the full diamond as per feed. Polisher can handle upto 8 machines and leave the machine to automatically polish 95% of the job.


      9. HD (Polish) machine:

    Product of Sarin that measures the image of polished diamond and displays proportions of it. This will help the polisher to know that the angle set by him at the time of polishing is achieved and also assure you before sending it to the lab.

      10. Microscope:

    Product of HRD that magnifies the
diamond using multiple light effects. This is the best microscope I have ever used. You can rotate the diamond to any angle without holding it.

      11. Diamond cleaning machine:

    Product of Ice stone that clean the diamond in juts few minutes. As of today this is the only diamond cleaning machine that do not use any harmful chemicals and easy to use.


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